You made the appointment… But how are you going to break it to your child that there will be a shot involved? Keep reading for a step-by-step guide on preparing for vaccinations!
Why Prepare for Vaccinations?
There is in fact right ways and wrong ways to prepare your offspring for an injection, and it actually depends on their anxiety and temperament. Never fear, we’ve got you covered! Here is a great break down of the steps in preparing for vaccination. Try them all and help your child (and you) cope with stressful shots. Keep reading below to get all the details!
Step 1.
First off, make sure you tell your child or teen before you go. They won’t thank you for springing the little detail of a needle right before the nurse walks in the door with it. The best way to prepare for vaccinations is to start before you get to the clinic.
Step 2.
Once you’ve broken the news, decide together what will be the best comfort position to use. Would your little on prefer to sit on your lap? Or sit next to you? For more ideas, sign up to grab our free comfort position flyer!
Step 3.
Next choose how much information to give. Some kids want to know everything before it happens, while others want minimal information. For example, you can practice at home, or you can let your child know each step right before it happens… or you can even do both!
Step 4.
We all want to shield our children. But it’s important to let them choose if they want to watch the injection happening, or look away. Some kids actually feel less stressed when they can see the needle at all times. Other kids like to choose between watching and looking away through the vaccination. Never cover a child’s eyes or push the head away if the child copes by watching.
Step 5.
Finally, as you prepare for vaccination, think of a fun treat to look forward to after the shot. Keep in mind this shouldn’t be a reward. If you are asking for perfect behavior, that might be a stretch. The goal is to get the shot done, and kids should be allowed to express their feelings. They shouldn’t be punished by crying or wanting to protect themselves.
Say to your child “I know the shot is scary and a little painful. Let’s think of something fun to look forward to after the shot. Would you like to pick a book at the library, or spend some time at your favorite park?”
The goal is not for your child to think “If I am good during the shot, daddy will give me a reward.”
Instead you want the thought process to be “I know I don’t want to do this, but after it is done, I will get to do a fun activity.”
Still feel confused? We are here to help you prepare for vaccinations. Reach out for a free consultation! Sign up for a free consultation below!