Where Do We Meet?

Meeting you where you’re most comfortable.

When you’re comfortable, you’re more likely to succeed, and that’s what it’s all about: helping you – and your child (or children) – to thrive.

What you’re experiencing can be overwhelming. The journey toward not only coping, but going strong begins with environment. It’s important to choose what works best for YOU.


We live in a world where ease and safety are top priorities. As busy parents, you don’t always have time to load everyone in the car and drive to a doctor’s office 30 minutes away (or even 10 minutes, sometimes).

I’m happy to offer multiple meeting options when you schedule a Child Life session. Because of the pandemic, the most popular choice is meeting via a secure, HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform called Doxy.Me.

You don’t even have to download. You simply access the platform through your favorite web browser.


For families living in San Antonio and the surrounding area who are looking for in-person support, we have two options.

The first is to have the Child Life session in the comfort of your own home. This setting allows you and your child to feel at ease and work through your most challenging experiences in real time.

Your second option is to meet in a park or other public location – such as a library. This alternative is great for kids who need an outside outlet or for parents looking for a neutral setting.

Getting it right begins with setting it right.

Every family is different – you won’t find a cookie-cutter approach here.

Whichever option you choose, we’ll adapt it to meet your family’s particular needs.

Not sure what’s best for you? Don’t worry. Simply schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me today. Together, we’ll set the stage for success.

I look forward to helping every member of your family achieve optimum balance, peace, and overall health.